Our workshops have one single purpose:

Enable a group of people to resolve a specific challenge they are facing in their daily work – on-the-job, with everyone involved.

This implies that every single workshop is a custom made solution. However, the workshop is always structured along these steps:

Before the workshop

  • Crafting the preliminary purpose and desired outcomes
  • Discover who needs to participate
  • Validate purpose and outcomes with participants

During the workshop

  • What is the sense of urgency to address this challenge?
  • Validating buy-in and commitment of participants
  • Problem analysis: understanding cause and effect
  • Provide insights and tools
  • Apply those immediately – catch your own fish

At the end of the workshop

  • Revisit the main takeaways of the workshop
  • Review workshop purpose and outcomes
  • Define open issues
  • Define action items
  • Workshop retrospective

Typically a workshop takes one or two days.

Class room experience

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Hi, it's Matthijs here :-)

How can I help you? / Waar kan ik je mee helpen?