Ken and Jeff just released the latest version of the Scrum Guide. If you are looking for a quick overview of the most impactful changes of the Scrum Guide 2020, you came to the right place.

Less is more

This version is smaller than ever with just 10 pages that define Scrum. More practices have been removed to create even more space for experimentation and self-management. And some references to IT work disappeared to make it more accessible and applicable for a wider audience

Scrum Team with accountabilities

There is only one team and that is the Scrum Team. And the roles are no longer in the Scrum Guide 2020. Instead, they are replaced by three sets of accountabilities:

  • Product Owner
  • Scrum Master
  • Developers

A warm welcome to the Product Goal

To provide more focus for the Scrum Team, the Scrum Guide 2020 introduces the Product Goal. It provides clarity on why the product exists and what the Scrum Team is trying to achieve on a longer term.

Hello self-managing, goodbye self-organizing

Using self-managing instead of self-organizing is a logical evolution given the fact all accountabilities are now explicitly part of the Scrum Team. And the Scrum Team as a whole is an autonomous unit that decides on the questions:

  • Who
  • What
  • How

Explicit commitments for the artifacts

The Scrum Guide 2020 adds the following commitments to the artifacts:

  • Product Backlog –> Product Goal
  • Sprint Backlog –> Sprint Goal
  • Increment –> Definition of Done

Want to learn more?

Read the Scrum Guide 2020 for all the details. And check out my upcoming courses.

Categories: Scrum

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